Spec. cor. to UN
Yuzuf al`Yusufovich
April 20th, Vecpils. Yesterday the quiet and obscure city of Dobele was stacked with less than more prominent politicians forming the weak economies bottom 8 (W8). On the days agenda was finding the way out of never ending state of failures, we present the extract. Amongst guests as mentors or expierenced advisors were invited economists from Swiss institute of Non-conventional solutions (SINCOS) and two of top notch men from oil rich countries (they wore white pajamas). All attention was driven to them, since they spoke with weird accent and solutions they offered for the swelling economic drama were better than the gloomy silence or mumble of moldovian comunists. Together with swiss collegues arabs presented few possible plots how to survive this unique age of opportunities. As for Latvia - one of the leading failstates, they sought for ultimate challange to become a mecca for international business. Respectively, African bussiness. One should never underesimate opportunities the black continent offers for open minded and risk loving enterpreneurs, the market is allmost non existing so as the rule of law and managment of the goods. Since Baltic region is poor in everything except pine trees and bad weather, all efforts should be put in snatching the slice of african pie.
"Colonization is not an option", grudgingly admitted Juris Dobelis, official representative for Latvia, and he is right. In the light of events Latvia couldnt bare another countries legislative functoins, only invest in prosperous bussiness. As the strategic partners are chosen Republic of Chad and Somalia, or eventually Somalias neighbouring country Erithrea in case if bilateral talks with Somalias tribal leaders reach a dead end.
Chad is rich in oil, but poor in anything else. Joint experts proposed that Latvia should become a parent, the big brother of a kind to technologically and politically inferior Chad in exchange for some exclusive rights to develop oil refining, electricity, sewer system or even medicine not to mention education and culture. The scheme was clear only to advisers, yet they discussed details behind closed doors.
In the case of coastal Somalia/Erithrea - choice of either of these countries become clear when you see the big picture. These countries are strategic as jump points for privateering, maritime loading, hiding political refugees and loundering money. All of above mentioned are cornerstones on which the new economic order should be built.
The world is watching closely. Stakes are higher than ever.
4 komentāri:
Yes, we have to face those challanges in order to make our lifes better. Collective work of economicaly weak countries can enshure faster collective growth. Great report! Carry on!
next summit of W8 will be tking place after talks with IMF, UN and Barack Obama himself.
Together we can make some differance...
(raksts ir angliski, jo man nav latvieshu burtu klavieree)
Netīšām izejam uz starptautisko skatuvi :)
We must unite these countries! All alone they are weak, but together they form a cluster of weak countries!
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